What's it like on a Sunday?
Sometimes it's hard to tell what kind of a church it is from a website, so here's a little more about who we are
We record our services and upload them in full to YouTube, so it is a great chance for you to check us out, listen to what makes us tick, the music we like to sing to, meet some of our church folks, listen to our love for Jesus, and take in a talk to find out how we learn and grow.
All from the comfort of your own home. Available on YOUTUBE or FACEBOOK
We meet at our new home in Albert Place at 10am. Come along and join us!

Our Leadership

Andrew Agnew
Andrew is originally from Northern Ireland but studied in Edinburgh as a student after school. He trained ministry at Moorlands College, and lives in Wallyford with his family.

John Tellis
John is a Scotsman who was brought up in South Africa. He has his own business which allows him to give time for church ministry, reading , studying and teaching

John Dunlop
John was brought up in the North East of Scotland, and studied in Edinburgh. He loves an interview and a podcast and you can listen to him HERE.

Gordon Macmillan
Gordon was born in Dublin, but raised in Scotland and studied in Edinburgh. He loves a good walk with his wife Miriam, and has 3 grown up kids

What we believe
1 The inspiration, inerrancy and infallibility of God’s word, the Bible, as originally given. The holy
scripture is both vital and clear, and all Christians must submit to its supreme authority and
sufficiency, both individually and corporately, in every matter of belief and conduct.
2 The existence of one eternal and immutable God, the Holy Trinity, Creator and Lord of the
universe who, in the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – three Persons who are the
same in substance, and equal in power and glory - governs all things according to his will, and is
accomplishing his purposes in the world and in the church.
3 The inherent value of all human beings, made by God in his own image, and their sinfulness and
guilt since the fall of Adam. This has rendered them subject to God’s wrath and condemnation, and
has resulted in their alienation from him, from one another and from his creation.
4 The essential, absolute and eternal deity of the Lord Jesus Christ; his conception by Mary of the
Holy Spirit; his virgin birth; his real but sinless humanity; his voluntary humiliation and obedience,
culminating in his death as a sacrifice for sin; his bodily resurrection from the dead on the third day;
his ascension into heaven; his continuing ministry as Prophet, Priest and King; and his coming
again in power and glory.
5 Salvation from the guilt, penalty and all consequences of sin solely through the work of Jesus
Christ – his perfect obedience, penal, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection and exaltation as
Lord. He alone is truly God and truly man, and therefore the only mediator between God and
humanity, uniquely able to save completely those who come to God through him. There is
salvation through no other person, creed, process or power.
6 The justification of sinners entirely through the imputation of Christ’s righteousness to them and of
the guilt and penalty of their sin to him. It is appropriated by grace alone through faith alone in
Christ alone.
7 The necessity and sufficiency of the work of the Holy Spirit for the individual’s new birth to
repentance and faith, union with Christ and growth to maturity, and for the church’s continuous
renewal in truth, unity, wisdom, faith, holiness, love, power and mission.
8 The universal church, the body of which Christ is the head, to which all God’s people belong. Its
existence reveals God’s ultimate purpose to bring everything together under Christ. It is made
visible both in local congregations and in the wider communion of those who profess the true faith.
It comprises a people called to declare the praise of the God who saved them, to contend for the
faith once delivered to the saints, and to proclaim the gracious offer of salvation to those who are
9 The unity of the body of Christ, as expressed within and between local churches by mutual love,
care, encouragement and corporate action. True fellowship between churches exists only where
they are faithful to the apostolic gospel.
10 The personal and visible return in glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, in order to raise the dead and
bring salvation and judgement to final completion. He will grant eternal life to those who have
believed the gospel, and consign those who have not to everlasting punishment in hell. God will
then fully establish his kingdom in new heavens and a new earth, from which evil and evildoers,
suffering and death will be excluded, and in which he will be glorified forever.