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Safeguarding Policy (Protection of Vulnerable Groups) 


  • Everyone who engages with our church community has the right to be protected from any form of bullying or harassment, exploitation or abuse and we will seek to ensure that we provide a caring and nurturing environment that is open and transparent and that promotes the raising of concerns with senior leaders

  • We believe that every human life, including that of the unborn, is valuable to God and each person bears his image

  • We have a particular responsibility to protect and promote the wellbeing of those who are vulnerable; particularly to children, young people and adults at risk of abuse; ensuring they are safe while in our care and that we respond appropriately to disclosures or indicators that they are experiencing abuse or neglect while in our care or elsewhere 

  • ·We are to love those around us as God loves them and to seek to bring healing, restoration and reconciliation to broken and damaged lives by the manifestation of the love of God through us

  • We will work in partnership with children, young people, their parents / carers adults at risk of abuse and local and national partner agencies and organisations to promote the welfare of and to protect each member of our community, and particularly the vulnerable

  • We will work to develop and maintain an environment that is protective, caring and nurturing for all who engage with our community, in accordance with our doctrines and beliefs as outlined in our governing documents

  • We will adopt safer recruitment best practice in the recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers

  • We will ensure that we monitor the conduct of our staff and that we have policies, procedures and systems for managing allegations against staff or volunteers, supported by a culture of listening to allegations and responding with rigour, fairness and transparency

  • We believe that every member of our church community has a responsibility to act to support the our safeguarding values and commitments

  • If you have a concern, please contact Andrew Agnew on 0131 665 2618,

  • A full copy can be made available upon request, please contact the office.

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